TORQUE Resource Manager provides control over batch jobs and distributed computing resources. It is an advanced open-source product based on the original PBS project* and incorporates the best of both community and professional development. It incorporates significant advances in the areas of scalability, reliability, and functionality and is currently in use at tens of thousands of leading government, academic, and commercial sites throughout the world.


version 5.1.2
TORQUE v2.5+ Software License v1.1
werbsite Torque
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Useful commands for submitting a job

To submit a job to the PBS queue and request additional resources use the qsub command. Status of a job already in the PBS queue can be checked with the qstat command. PBS script which contains the number of nodes and processors desired for the job, how much wall-clock time is being requested, program to execute and more can be used to simplify the process. Example settings to be put in pbs script:
To specify job name:

#PBS -N job_name

standard output file:

 #PBS -o stdout_file

error file:

 #PBS -e stderr_file

maximum cpu time and wall time. If the job does not finish by the time reached, the job is terminated.:

 #PBS -l cput=hhhh:mm:ss
 #PBS -l walltime=hhhh:mm:ss

number of nodes and processors per node:

 #PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=16

the maximum amount of physical memory required. Setting it too large can result in your job waiting in the queue for sufficient resources to become available.:
#PBS -l mem=4096mb

destination of the job queue and/or server. :

 #PBS -q queue@server

priority for the job from(integer from -1024 to 1023). The default is 0.:

 #PBS -p 0

Submitting the job:

qsub myjob.pbs

qsub accepts additional parameters to alter settings. For example if additional cpus are needed:
qsub -l nodes=4:ppn=2 myjob.pbs

To check for information:
qstat without arguments displays status for all jobs in the system.
For a specific job:

qstat jobID

For all of your own jobs:

qstat -u username

For additional information:

qstat -l jobID

To determine which nodes have been allocated to a given job, the user can run:

qstat –na

To view all jobs in a particular queue, use:

qstat queue_name

To view a summary of all queues use:

qstat -q