Partner SU
Administrative data
System name BG05-SUGrid
A brief description of the system High-performance computing cluster
Owner SU
Technical specifications
Number of servers 96
Server Specification Supermicro X8DTT-HF
Processor specification Intel Xeon L5640 Six core, 2.26 GHz
CPU cores on the server 12
Server memory 46GB
Total number of CPU cores 1152
Maximum number of parallel processes per processor 2304
Connection type Gigabit Ethernet
Connection delay Not Measured
Connection tape 1 Gbps
Local file system type Lustre/NFS
General data storage 512 TiB
OS Centos 7.6 / Debian 9.3 (NetBoot)
Version 7.6 / 9.3
Task management system PBS & Condor
Application software UMD-UI, DMLite-DPM, HTCondor-CE