Towards the realization of national Open Science Cloud ecosystems in the Southeastern Europe (SEE)

A National Open Science Cloud Initiative (NOSCI) is envisaged as a coalition of national organizations that have a prominent role and interest in the Europe Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The main aim of NOSCI will be the promotion of synergies at national level, and the optimization/articulation of their participation to European and global challenges in…


EuroHPC Summit Week 2021 , 22-26.03.2021

The EuroHPC Summit Week (EHPCSW) 2021 will gather the main European HPC stakeholders from technology suppliers and HPC infrastructures to scientific and industrial HPC users in Europe. As in previous years, PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, organises the eighth edition of its Scientific and Industrial Conference (PRACEdays21) within the EHPCSW 2021. PRACEdays21 will bring together experts from academia…


EuroHPC Summit Week 2021 , 22-26.03.2021

The EuroHPC Summit Week (EHPCSW) 2021 will gather the main European HPC stakeholders from technology suppliers and HPC infrastructures to scientific and industrial HPC users in Europe. As in previous years, PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, organises the eighth edition of its Scientific and Industrial Conference (PRACEdays21) within the EHPCSW 2021. PRACEdays21 will bring together experts from academia…


Meeting with representatives of Distributed System of Scientific Collections – BG (DiSSCo – BG)

Today, March 1, 2021, a second meeting between the team of IICT’s Center for High-Performance Computing and representatives of the Bulgarian consortium DiSSCo – BG ( was held in the IICT-BAS premises. During the meeting, a demonstration of HPC services and data repositories was done and the provision of the specific HPC services for biodiversity…


EC funded NI4OS-Europe project contributes to the vision of the European Open Science Cloud, delivering its first integrated resources on its platform

HORIZON2002 NI4OS-Europe project brings scientific communities one step closer to the Open Science Cloud and Open Innovation vision, with the on-boarding of 19 new services to its digital service catalogue. NI4OS-Europe – National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe, is a key contributor to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), an integrated, interoperable digital environment…


International Conference, Large-Scale Scientific Computations LSSC’21, June 7 – 11, 2021, Sozopol, Bulgaria

In the period June 7 – 11, 2021 the 13th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations will take place in Sozopol, Bulgaria LSSC’21 is organized by Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with Sozopol municipality. For more information, click here.


NI4OS National Dissemination Event in Bulgaria, 20 November, 2020

National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe – NI4OS-Europe, aims to be a core contributor to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) service portfolio, commit to EOSC governance and ensure inclusiveness on the European level for enabling global Open Science through supporting the establishment of the National Open Science Initiatives in the participating countries, promoting…


NI4OS National Dissemination Event in Bulgaria, 20 November, 2020

National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe – NI4OS-Europe, aims to be a core contributor to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) service portfolio, commit to EOSC governance and ensure inclusiveness on the European level for enabling global Open Science through supporting the establishment of the National Open Science Initiatives in the participating countries, promoting…
