“Introduction in Parallel Programming and Optimization for Intel Xeon Phi Architecture”, Training at IICT-BAS , 7 July 2016

The training will be devoted to parallel programming with MPI, access to the HPC infrastructure at IICT-BAS, as well as software techniques needed for supercomputers with highly dense parallel architectures, both homogeneous (Intel Xeon) and hybrid with acceleration co-processor (Intel Xeon Phi). Expected audience: end-users from the three VI-SEEM communities – Life Science, Cultural Heritage…


CoЕ MMAC Open Workshop

The Open Workshop “Mathematical Modeling and Advanced Computing for Industry and Society” will be held on the 12 May 2016, hosted by IICT-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria. The program can be found here For more information click here


PRACE Training Event at IICT-BAS

Intel together with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) is organizing a training school on “Code Modernisation for Intel Multi Core and Xeon Phi Architectures” on the 25-28 of April 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. You can find more information here
