120th European Study Group with Industry
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The training will be devoted to parallel programming with MPI, access to the HPC infrastructure at IICT-BAS, as well as software techniques needed for supercomputers with highly dense parallel architectures, both homogeneous (Intel Xeon) and hybrid with acceleration co-processor (Intel Xeon Phi). Expected audience: end-users from the three VI-SEEM communities – Life Science, Cultural Heritage…
DetailsThe Open Workshop “Mathematical Modeling and Advanced Computing for Industry and Society” will be held on the 12 May 2016, hosted by IICT-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria. The program can be found here For more information click here
DetailsIntel together with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) is organizing a training school on “Code Modernisation for Intel Multi Core and Xeon Phi Architectures” on the 25-28 of April 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. You can find more information here