Partner SU
Administrative data
System name PhysOn
A brief description of the system High-performance computing cluster
Owner SU
Technical specifications
Number of servers 34
Server Specification SuperMicro CPU-Quad, Server Supermicro
Processor specification Xeon 5335; Xeon 5420; Xeon E5-2620; Xeon E5-2650v4; Xeon E5-2699v3; Xeon Gold 6240; Tesla M2090
CPU cores on the server 8; 8; 12; 24; 36; 18
Server memory 16GB; 16GB; 64GB; 96GB; 128GB;
Total number of CPU cores 312
Maximum number of parallel processes per processor 240
Connection type Infiniband DDR & FDR & EDR
Connection delay 1.1 to 1.5 μs
Connection tape 20 – 56 Gbps & 56 – 100 Gbps
Local file system type NFS & Lustre
General data storage 48TB
Type of accelerators nVidia Tesla M2090 & K80
Number of cores 6200
Server Accelerators 2
Servers equipped with accelerators 1
Max. performance (Tflops, double precision) 3.5
Real performance (Tflops, double precision) 3.2
OS Ubuntu and CentOS
Version 16.06 LTE ; 7x
Task management system Sun Grid Engine & Slurm
Development Tools Intel Vtune, Eclipse (incl. Intel XE support, PyDev, Photran), Nsight Eclipse (CUDA support), Nvidia Visual Profiler, Intel Inspector, Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Console, PyCharm, git
Compilers and libraries Компилатори: Intel Compilers, PGI Compilers, GNU C/C++/Fortran Compilers, OpenJDK; Интерпретатори: Python 2.7.x (Intel), Python 2.7.x (GCC), Intel Python 3, Python 3.6.x (GCC), TCL 8.5 (GCC), Perl 5.16 (GCC), Julia 1.1; Библиотеки/модули/добавки: Intel MKL, Intel DAAL, OpenMPI (Intel), OpenMPI (GCC), MPICH2 (Intel), MPICH2(GCC), HDF5 (Intel), HDF5+MPI (Intel), HDF5(GCC), NetCDF (Intel), NetCDF(GCC), PyDAAL, NumPy, SciPy, H5py, PyTables, mpi4py, pandas, matplotlib, sympy, tensorflow-gpu, MDAnalysis, OpenVINO, CUDA+cuDNN (8.x,9.x,10.x)
Application software

GROMACS, Quantum Espresso, ABINIT, CP2K, elk, WRF, Maple, Matlab, Mathematica, Siesta, Kshell, GAUSSIAN, LAMMPS, Tensorflow (with GPU support, on Intel Python 3), NAMD, CHARMM, PG-Storm,

BIOVIA Materials Studio, ADMS-Urban/EMIT, Matlab 2020, Serpent,

Network switches

Melanox Infiniband 36p –  DDR/FDR

Melanox Infiniband 36p –  EDR,



ZTE ZHR10 48p