Конференция „Високопроизводителни пресмятания 2024“ (НРС 2024)

На 15 ноември в София се проведе годишната конференция  „Високопроизводителни пресмятания 2024“, организирана от Националния център за високопроизводителни и разпределени пресмятания[1] (НЦВРП), обект на НПКНИ. Високопроизводителните пресмятания са важен фактор за световния икономически растеж, позволявайки на индустрията и академичните среди да разработват нови продукти, услуги, модели и други иновации. Високопроизводителните системи позволяват обработката на големи…

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Open Science and Evidence-Informed Decision Making Training Courses, 18th October – 6th December 2024

The Skills4EOSC project will launch the Science4Policy Train-the-Trainer course on October 18th. This is a unique opportunity to explore Open Science practices applied to evidence-based decision-making processes and public administration. The Skills4EOSC project offers 7 innovative open and reusable training courses, designed to equip policymakers, civil servants, and honest brokers with the skills to adopt…

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15th National Information Day: Open Science, Open Data, Open Access, Bulgarian Open Science Cloud, September 26th 2024

The annual National Information Day: Open Science, Open Data, Open Access, Bulgarian Open Science has been taking place for 15 consecutive years. The 2024 edition is part of the 14th International conference „Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage—DiPP2024“, 26-29 September 2024, Burgas, Bulgaria. The event traditionally presents the achievements within the previous…

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TUTORIAL: Optimizing applications on the supercomputer HEMUS, June 20, 2024, in the framework of NMSCAA”24

On June 20th, 2024 (9:30 – 12:30 EEST), in the framework of the international conference “Numerical Methods for Scientific Computations and Advanced Applications” (NMSCAA’24), 17-21 June 2024, Sozopol, Bulgaria, https://parallel.bas.bg/Conferences/nmscaa24/, there will be a TUTORIAL on Optimizing applications on the supercomputer HEMUS, organized by IICT team. For the conference participants the event will be held…

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Cooperation between the NCHDC and the National Geoinformation Center –NGIC

In April 2024 representatives of Institute of Information and Communication Technologies –IICT-BAS (coordinator of NCHDC) and the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography (NIGGG-BAS, coordinator of NGIC) held a series of working meetings regarding hosting services on the Avitohol supercomputer for the needs of the NGIC. Avitohol is the main supercomputing system of the…

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53rd Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians

The 53rd Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians took place in Borovets on 1-5 April, 2024. The program included invited papers, special anniversary papers and scientific announcements divided into three sections, as well as discussions on current topics in the field of mathematics, informatics and information technology. The National Centre for High-Performance and…

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