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PRACE AUTUMN SCHOOL 2021 (online): Fundamentals of biomolecular simulations and virtual drug development, September 20-24, 2021
The HPC Autumn School 2021: „Fundamentals of Biomolecular Modelling and Simulations for Applied Research and Virtual Drug Development” is organised by BioExcel Centre of Excellence, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, NCSA Bulgaria, and Sofia University and in partnership with AstraZeneca and NostrumBiodiscovery. The week-long training event will provide an introduction to the fundamentals of modern methods for biomolecular simulations - molecular dynamics (MD), 3D QSAR,…
Find out more »International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage—DiPP2021, 23-25 September 2021
The Eleventh International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage—DiPP2021 aims at presenting innovative results, research projects and applications in the field of digitisation, documentation, archiving, representation and preservation of global and national tangible and intangible cultural and scientific heritage. The main focus is to provide open access to digitised cultural heritage and…
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